In this discussion, Dr Eline Naert, a medical oncologist at Ghent University...
In a thought-provoking conversation, Prof Jeroen Dekervel, a GI Oncologist at...
In this discussion, Dr Eline Naert, a medical oncologist at Ghent University...
Dr Emmanuel Seront, medical oncologist at Clinique Universitaires Saint-Luc and...
Prof dr Pasi Jänne, medical oncologist at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute,...
Prof dr Pasi Jänne, medical oncologist at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute,...
Prof dr Paul Van Schil, thoracic surgeon from Antwerp University Hospital and...
Prof Dr David Harpole, a thoracic surgeon at Duke University Medical Center in...
During an educational session at WCLC, Prof Dr Yolande Lievens, a radiation...
During a recent update of the TRIDENT-1 trial, Prof Dr Byoung Chul Cho, a...