Dr Vandamme’s discussion revolves around two important topics. Firstly, he...
Dr Eduard Callebout, working at UZ Gent, highlights key presentations from the...
Dr Willem Lybaert brings us the daily highlights on pancreatic and biliary...
Dr. Mariana Brandao from the Institut Jules Bordet in Brussels provided...
During the poster discussion session on colon and anal cancer, Prof Dr Eric Van...
Dr. Guilherme Nader Marta recently shared his insights on the most noteworthy...
Prof. Dr Anne Demols presented the latest findings from several studies on...
Dr Frères reports in this video on the most exciting presentations during the...
Prof. Jean-François Baurain and Prof. Bart Neyns discuss highlights from the...
Professor Benjamin Besse and Dr. Mariana Brandao delve deeper into the results...