EORTC-Lung Cancer Group Initiative on a consensual definition of stage III NSCLC resectability
Several posters and presentations at the World Conference on Lung Cancer (WCLC) are dedicated to a new consensus definition of stage III NSCLC resectability. This initiative, led by the EORTC-Lung Cancer Group, involved the participation of many Belgian colleagues, including Dr. Mariana Brandao, a medical oncologist at Jules Bordet Institute in Brussels. Dr. Brandao sheds light on the topic in this highlight video and provides insights into the new consensus definition.
Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) is a highly heterogeneous disease, and deciding whether surgery is possible depends on the surgeon’s expertise. With the introduction of immunotherapy in the neoadjuvant setting for stage III NSCLC, there is an urgent need for a uniform definition of resectability to reduce discrepancies among medical centers. To address this issue, the EORTC Lung Cancer Group has launched three initiatives: (1) a systematic review of literature since 2007, (2) an international survey investigating current clinical practices and decisions, and (3) multidisciplinary discussions on 105 clinical cases. Based on the outcomes, a consensus meeting was held to formalise the definition of resectability. At WCLC, the final consensus definition that considers different T and N stage III aspects and combinations of resectability for stage III NSCLC was presented. The main objective is to reduce the variability in the inclusion criteria related to resectability in clinical trials and implement this consensus definition in routine clinical practice.
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