The ESMO-Magnitude of Clinical Benefit Scale for Hematological Malignancies
Prof Dr Michel Delforge, UZ Leuven, was one of the experts contributing to the first version of the ESMO-Magnitude of Clinical Benefit Scale for hematological malignancies (ESMO-MCBS:H). In this video, prof. Delforge gives some background and highlights the importance of this scale. The ESMO-MCBS has been accepted as a robust tool to evaluate the magnitude of clinical benefit of new therapies in oncology trials, but was so far only validated for solid tumors. In a joint project of ESMO and EHA, an ESMO-MCBS version was developed, specifically designed and validated for hematological malignancies (ESMO-MCBS:H).
The full publication is available online:,The%20European%20Society%20for%20Medical%20Oncology%20(ESMO)%2DMagnitude%20of,from%20a%20novel%20oncological%20treatment