Dr Cesar Rodriguez, affiliated with Mount Sinai in New York, presents a...
In this study, Dr Aaron Goldberg from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer...
Prof George Follows, a consulting haematologist from Nuffield Health Cambridge...
In this presentation, Dory Abelman, a PhD candidate at the Princess Margaret...
Dr Betsy O’Donnell, a haematologist at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (US),...
Prof Claudio Cerchione, haematologist at the Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per...
Prof Claire Harrison, a haematologist at Guy's and St. Thomas' Hospital in...
Dr Frida Bugge Askeland, associated research doctor and PhD student at the Oslo...
Dr Gabriel Brisou presents preliminary findings on the utilization of axi-cel...
KarMMa-3 constitutes an open-label, phase 3 randomized clinical trial aimed at...