Complications piercings, tattoo

Presented by Dr Christa De Cuyper (AZ Sint-Jan, Bruges, Belgium)

During EADV 2024, Dr Christa De Cuyper, former clinical dermatologist at the AZ Sint-Jan in Bruges with a special interest for dermatological complications of body art, provided an overview of the basic principles and potential complications of piercings.

Piercings are very popular with about 50% of all young adults having at least one piercing. Piercing refers to the act of perforating the skin and underlying structures (e.g., cartilage) to create a tunnel through which an ornament can be placed. The main reasons to opt for a piercing are aesthetic, to make a fashion statement, or to increase sexual pleasure.

The main acute complications associated with a piercing consist of pain (usually mild if placed by an experienced piercer) and bleeding. This bleeding can be particularly severe if the piercing is placed in a heavily vascularized part of the body, such as the lip or the tongue. As indicated before, piercing is an invasive procedure and creates a portal of entry for pathogens. If the piercing is placed in unhygienic conditions, or if the after care is suboptimal, piercings can be complicated by infections. When a piercing causes friction, or chronic irritation, this may also lead to the development of granulomas, or even fibromas.

During her lecture, Dr De Cuyper particularly focused on the potential complications of genital piercings. In this respect, she emphasized the importance of a good candidate selection and the accurate placement of clitoral piercings. In fact, an incorrect placement of these piercings can cause significant nerve damage, leading to chronic pain or even loss of sensation in the clitoris. According to a large web-based survey, about 50% of men with a genital piercing suffered a complication after placement. The most common of these complications consist of a disturbed urinary flow and hypersensitivity. Interestingly, however, despite the high incidence of these complications, more than 9 out of 10 people in the survey indicated that they are happy with their piercing and that they would not hesitate to do it again should they have the choice.

In conclusion, piercings are very popular and in general complications are minimal. However, to avoid severe complications it is important to have the piercing by an experienced piercer who is critical in evaluating the feasibility of a specific piercing and to adhere closely to the necessary after care.


  1. De Cuyper C, EADV2024.

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